According to researcher Patricia Maloney, euthanasia and assisted suicide groups in Canada are raking in millions of dollars from taxpayers courtesy of...
According to a report for the New Zealand Ministry of Health, 257 people were legally euthanized or aided in their suicide in...
A Connecticut woman has become the first person to receive out-of-state approval for assisted suicide in Vermont. Live Action News reported on...
A man from Vancouver in Canada is speaking out after he says that hospital staff pressured him to allow them to euthanize...
In his most recent Angelus address in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis condemned a “throwaway culture” that marginalizes and eventually discards the...
A popular French YouTuber living with dissociative identity disorder caused by trauma is now documenting her efforts to end her life through...
On December 17, pro-life activist Jeanneane Maxon celebrated seven years of life post-cancer diagnosis — a diagnosis that doctors had determined to...
One Canadian father is actively campaigning against the looming threat of euthanasia laws expanding to include ill children. Mike Schouten is an...
In 2021, assisted suicide through Canada’s Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD) regime killed more people than chronic liver disease/cirrhosis (4,173) and Alzheimer’s disease...
A UK man will plead guilty to manslaughter after ending his wife’s life on December 18, 2021, and then claiming it was...
Canada’s Justice Minister David Lametti recently suggested that Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD), the country’s legalized euthanasia, is available as a tool for...
A veteran and Paralympian asked the Canadian government for help in making her home more accessible. Instead, she was offered the chance...
(National Right to Life News) After Canadian fashion giant La Maison Simons generated a wave of controversy for an ad that glorified assisted suicide, it...
In October, MSP Liam McArthur received approval to introduce his bill in Scotland’s parliament that would legalize assisted suicide for people who...