The story of a Canadian mother of three who was considering doctor-assisted suicide is shining a light on one of the fatal...
Across the country, states have been legalizing assisted suicide in disturbingly increasing numbers. Yet in Ohio, the emphasis on death with dignity...
A group of doctors is suing the state of California for erasing conscience protections and forcing them to take an active role...
(National Review) The push is now on to allow assisted suicide for psychiatric patients. The Journal of Eating Disorders has published a piece urging...
A recent peer-reviewed article in the Journal of Ethics in Mental Health has revealed that the legalization of euthanasia and doctor-assisted suicide...
The constitutional court in Italy has turned down a request to hold a referendum on assisted suicide and euthanasia in the country,...
Janice Hunter, a 75-year-old British woman suffering from blood cancer, died recently at the hands of her husband, as reported by the...
A disabled member of the House of Lords in the United Kingdom (UK) has accused a fellow member of attempting to “hijack”...
Society has been free-falling into a new age of so-called “dignified death,” including euthanasia for children, the innovation of suicide pods and...
A Taiwanese man has been sentenced to just a year and a half in prison after stabbing his disabled son to death....
A new report from the Association of Palliative Medicine (APM) of Great Britain and Ireland is warning that people are being scared...
New figures out of New Zealand show that one to two people have chosen assisted suicide each week since the country legalized...
In 2013, there was international outrage when a woman in Belgium underwent assisted suicide for anorexia; there was a similar response around...
Pro-assisted suicide Vermont lawmakers are working to loosen the state’s assisted suicide law by removing some of the safeguards currently in place....