On Sunday’s “Meet the Press” episode, Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson told NBC’s Chuck Todd that abortion was an evil on...
Ben Carson appeared on The View this week, and the topic of abortion and Planned Parenthood came up. This led to a...
Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson took on the all-female, mostly pro-abortion panel (at least one of whom is still falsely claiming that Planned...
Florida Senator and presidential candidate Marco Rubio has taken some grief for standing firm against abortion even in cases of rape, and...
The 2016 presidential primaries, coinciding with an almost-unprecedented barrage of revelations about the crimes and callousness Planned Parenthood engages in behind closed...
Many pro-lifers have a soft spot for Dr. Ben Carson. It’s no wonder why: the soft-spoken warmth of his delivery and his status...
Following comments that seemed to suggest human life does not begin until a fetus’s heart starts beating, Life News reports that presidential...
Following the revelation that he studied cells from aborted babies in 1992, presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson endorsed the use of RU-486...
Pro-life presidential candidate and retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson is under fire for news that he once used cells from two aborted...
Retired neurosurgeon and Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson went on the offensive against abortion and Planned Parenthood this week. Yesterday, Newsmax reports,...
Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign is out with an ad on Iowa TV stations. Breitbart reports: [Cruz] spokesman Rick Tyler said that this...
Like most of the presidential candidates, Ben Carson has reacted to the release of videos from the Center for Medical Progress showing...
The majority of the candidates running for president in 2016 have released statements opposing Planned Parenthood’s harvesting and sale of baby parts....
As the revelation came that Planned Parenthood top-level executives were involved in the sale of aborted fetal body parts, there was swift...