A recently released documentary, The Business of Birth Control, takes a deep dive into the troubling origins and frequently unacknowledged costs of hormonal birth...
On October 17, the WNBA Union teamed up with Planned Parenthood and other abortion advocacy organizations to run a full-page New York...
(Pregnancy Help News) Pro-choice doctors and abortion providers keep pushing a false narrative that Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) does not work. Dr....
(Secular Pro-Life) There has been no shortage of pushback to SB 8, the Texas bill that bans almost all abortions after an embryonic...
This article is Part Two of a series. Read Part One here, and parts Three and Four. Advocates For Youth (AFY) — the...
We’ve all heard the now-debunked claim that abortion is 10 or even 14 times safer than childbirth. But recently, the executive director...
Children of virtually any age can walk into a Planned Parenthood facility in Massachusetts and receive free condoms, an article from the...
July 25-31 marks National Natural Family Planning (NFP) Awareness Week. While fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs) of NFP have traditionally been considered the domain...
Recently, Live Action News reported that as part of a broader national conversation about population control, the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh...
The social media account So You Want To Talk About (SYWTTA) recently decided to take on the idea of “pro-life hypocrisy” in...
Promoting birth control in developing countries has long been promoted as a means of reducing poverty rates and improving economic outcomes for...
UPDATE, 7/22/21: Today, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signed HB 0135 into law. Upon signing the bill, Pritzker stated, according to WANDTV.com: This...
A 27-year-old teacher is blaming her contraceptive IUD (coil) for mysterious and frightening medical issues she developed, including suicidal thoughts. The symptoms...
Author and journalist Molly Jong-Fast penned the Vogue article, “The Anti-Birth Control Movement is the New Anti-Abortion Movement,” cutting right to the...