The era of Roe v. Wade lasted nearly 50 years, and during each one of those years, thousands of people became doctors...
In December 2021, during a sonogram at 24 weeks, a couple in Mumbai, India, learned their preborn baby boy named Shivansh Singh had a...
Baby Oliver Setten was saved by a rare surgery performed by a team of 30 doctors and nurses at his birth. According...
Gina Dewdney and her husband Craig didn’t think they would become pregnant immediately after deciding to try, but they were even more...
Editor’s Note: Live Action works to maintain the highest standards of journalistic integrity. Live Action has looked into key elements of Ms. Christie’s...
Staff at Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital in Texas recently threw a graduation party to celebrate a very special milestone: their smallest patient...
In the 1960s-1970s, many poor minority women were pressured into sterilization. Eugenic and racist beliefs as well as resentment against women who...