We recently saw some bad news come out of the California Assembly, with the passage of of a bill requiring pregnancy centers...
A bill that violates the free speech rights of privately-funded pro-life pregnancy centers in the state of California by forcing them to...
California is so bent on violating the free speech rights of its pro-life citizens that it pulled a “bait and switch” in...
Despite obvious infringement on free speech, the protests of pro-lifers, and government intrusion on private matters, the California bill aimed at forcing...
These days, one of the most dangerous places to be pro-life is California. The Golden State has mandated churches to cover abortion, and is...
California is a pro-abortion dream and a preborn baby’s nightmare. Now the Golden State wants to force Pregnancy Care Centers (PCCs) to...
Seven prominent California churches have filed a formal complaint against the state Department of Managed Health Care for imposing an egregious mandate that...
Earlier this month, the state of California demanded that even Catholic universities offer elective abortions through insurance plans. Life Legal Defense Foundation...
If this abortion drama had a theme song it would be “We’re Not Gonna Take It Anymore.” This is the anthem of...
In a disturbing reminder of the threat of religious liberty in the nation, the state of California today reversed a decision which...
As some of you know, I’ve been banned from RHrealitycheck.org. This was of course due to no fault of my own (ok,...
Yesterday, California Governor Edmund Brown, Jr signed into law legislation that would allow non-physicians to perform abortions. After being passed in the...
In an effort to seemingly expand California’s already large abortion state, Assemblywoman Toni Atkins has introduced a bill, AB154, which would allow...
The final installment in a long and sordid tale. What does the future hold?