Throughout the current Planned Parenthood debacle, it’s been clear that the White House has given nothing more than ineffectual responses, making constant...
( As if Planned Parenthood needed any more heat, it drew fire July 24 for an ill-conceived tweet attacking pro-life undercover investigators who...
On Sunday, Republican Rep. Diane Black of Texas released a statement blasting Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile Richards (pictured right)...
Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, appeared on TV over the weekend for the first time since the Planned Parenthood scandal broke...
This morning, on ABC’s “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos, Planned Parenthood President and CEO Cecile Richards appeared in her first TV interview...
“Militant anti-abortion extremists,” “highly-edited videos,” “entrap doctors.” That’s about all Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood, could say in her first interview...
The Center for Medical Progress released another video this week, showing yet another top Planned Parenthood employee discussing their fetal parts business. The latest...
Think your significant other is being unfaithful? If so, then it might be time to have a difficult conversation about the future of your relationship....
Planned Parenthood is giving drinks a bad name. And Lamborghinis. The second explosive video on Planned Parenthood has been released this morning...
President of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, is out to let the world know that Planned Parenthood is only under fire because anti-choice...
The Center for Medical Progress has Planned Parenthood deeply concerned. The abortion giant is in full-on defense mode. CMP has now released...
Hillary Clinton would be President if Planned Parenthood got to make that decision on its own. This is obvious from campaign financial...
( Today, The Center for Medical Progress released its second video exposing Planned Parenthood’s illegal participation in aborted baby parts trafficking, as the current headline on Drudge indicates (which...
Planned Parenthood continues to decide what it wants to do and when it wants to do it. Despite the House Energy and...