Following the group’s first video revealing a top Planned Parenthood official discussing the sale of aborted fetal body parts, Center for Medical...
In a video released today, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards defended the “tissue donation programs” of Planned Parenthood as lifesaving and compassionate. The only apology...
Yesterday, blogger Saynsumthn caught former Texas gubernatorial candidate and notorious late-term abortion defender Wendy Davis showing her support for Planned Parenthood by donating $100...
A report released this week from the American Life League (ALL) shows the salary of Planned Parenthood’s president, Cecile Richards (pictured right),...
Dr. George Delgado recently pioneered a treatment that has many around the nation talking. He discovered a novel, scientifically accurate, and medically...
If you ask any pro-abortion advocate, Planned Parenthood is a much-needed bastion of women’s health care. The extreme focus on abortions at...
Operation Rescue reports the first abortion facility closure in the wake of the recent Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision, which...
Following a failed attempt to get the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to invalidate Texas abortion clinic regulations, Planned Parenthood President and...
A survey released Sunday by the Associated Press (AP) shows that abortion rates are dropping nationwide: the overall decrease was roughly 12 percent....
“Name a time and place,” said Dr. Alveda King, pro-life activist and niece of civil rights champion Dr. Martin Luther King, to Cecile Richards,...
When news broke that the House voted to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, it was inevitable that pro-abortion extremists would...
April 15 is Tax Day — the day that Americans know and dread. For many Americans, it’s the day that tax returns...
Planned Parenthood is playing abortion politics once again on Capitol Hill – this time, maneuvering pawns across the Senate floor in a...
Each year, Planned Parenthood releases an annual report, breaking down their services, funding, and profit. It typically paints a grim picture of...