This summer, The Center for Medical Progress released a series of videos exposing the illegal sales of the body parts of aborted...
The Life Legal Defense Foundation is fighting back against the National Abortion Federation’s efforts to discredit Center for Medical Progress leader David...
National public opinion research firm The Polling Company has released a new report on Americans’ view of Planned Parenthood. The report confirms...
On December 13, 1993, five people went to work at a Chuck E. Cheese’s in Aurora, Colorado. Four of them didn’t come...
Recently, columnist Robyn Urback asked, “What responsibility, if any, should GOP candidates shoulder for the Planned Parenthood attack?” Urback devoted eleven paragraphs...
This morning on CNN, abortion supporter Chris Cuomo, host of New Day, attempted to blame Carly Fiorina and The Center for Medical...
In a Sunday article entitled ‘Planned Parenthood attack victims identified as Iraq war vet, mom,’ CBS falsely referred to the undercover Planned Parenthood videos...
When a lone gunman was arrested after killing three people and wounding several others at or near a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood last week, the media...
Yesterday a crazed gunman went on a shooting spree in Colorado Springs, killing three people and injuring many more. The shooting was...
A lone gunman at a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs Friday killed three people, including a police officer, and left five more...
Katie Couric’s recent tour of a $4.5 million Planned Parenthood abortion center in Queens, New York, interestingly failed to show viewers the room where aborted...
The University of Minnesota (UMN) has admitted to using the parts of aborted babies in research after first denying it, according to...
It doesn’t matter what Planned Parenthood is caught on tape doing; it seems their professional apologists in the blogosphere will never budge...
A quote from the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology describes the emotional impact abortion has on nurses and highlights the plight of...