An unearthed news report from 1992 documented first-hand accounts of two abortion facility staffers who claimed they witnessed an abortionist grinding up...
On Wednesday morning, the House Select Committee on Infant Lives held its second hearing looking into the fetal tissue transactions between tissue...
The TODAY Show sparked an outpouring of celebration when it posed a photo to its Facebook page on April 14. The photo...
No parent wants to hear that their child has been diagnosed with a fetal abnormality. But some families compound the tragedy, aborting their...
On Tuesday morning, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on late-term abortions and born-alive infants. This is the same Committee which...
An analysis of Planned Parenthood’s 2014 annual report by the Charlotte Lozier Institute notes the “new decline in Planned Parenthood’s client load in...
Today, the Republican Study Committee of Colorado (comprised of a number of state senators and representatives) held an informational hearing on Planned...
National legal nonprofit, Alliance Defending Freedom, has spearheaded an effort to give women the full facts on low-cost health care options. Despite...
(Daily Signal) Planned Parenthood does not offer any women’s health services that are not offered by other health care centers. None. The...
Planned Parenthood has long touted the myth that it is essential to the health and wellbeing of women. While the abortion business claims to...
(Daily Signal) Two leading pro-life organizations released a map today intended to showcase the thousands of community health care clinics that could...