As a judicial gatekeeper for the right to choose death, Ruth Bader Ginsburg enjoys rockstar status in pro-abortion circles, which is why...
Just in case you were still under the impression that “pro-choice” has anything to do with letting people make choices (despite all...
The hypocrisy of modern America’s worst human-rights abusers claiming to walk in the footsteps of her finest human-rights champions will never cease...
The Supreme Court’s vindication of Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood’s basic religious liberties may have thrown pro-abortion zealots into angry, thoughtless, and...
Portugal may join the ranks of pro-life nations like Ireland and Hungary with its latest pro-life constitutional initiative, but widespread international pressure...
Recently, Rep. Ron Paul has signed Personhood USA’s Presidential Candidate Pledge, which calls on candidates to “support a human life amendment to...
Even for those of us sympathetic to the “personhood” approach to fighting abortion, it’s easy to see that Personhood Nevada didn’t do...
On October 22nd, Jewels Green wrote a great article offering a compelling personal story illuminating why true pro-lifers don’t use violence to...