Ohio pro-lifers’ move to prohibit abortions due to a Down syndrome diagnosis should be open-and-shut. Technically, it’s not even about abortion, per se;...
The prenatal testing landscape has changed profoundly since Roe vs Wade, it is time the law is changed too. It’s time to...
Up to 90 percent of preborn babies diagnosed with Down syndrome die from abortion. A new bill in Ohio aims to change that. Already one...
The Ohio Legislature is poised to take up the issue of banning abortions sought due to a Down syndrome diagnosis, the New...
From the mother of a child with Down Syndrome: I hate the thought that there will be fewer people with Down syndrome...
Jill Stanek is a well-known pro-life blogger and activist who first became active in the pro-life movement when she exposed the practice...
There’s a new rising star taking the fashion and modeling world by storm, and she’s got a one in a million smile....
Editor’s Note: Live Action News believes that parents need to receive full information about any disability or disease their preborn child is...
Learning that you will be having a child with Down syndrome is, for most people, a scary experience. Far too often, that...
This year, for the first time ever, a punk rock band will be featured on stage at Europe’s Eurovision, a hugely popular...
Last May, California parents Andy and Mercedes Lara shared the incredible story of Sunflower Mae, a little girl they adopted just days...
Three years ago, my life was changed forever. My son, Wyatt, was diagnosed with Down syndrome after I underwent an amniocentesis. It...
Last May, Live Action News featured a story on Sunflower Mae and the California couple who adopted her. Andy and Mercedes Lara...
Babies with Down syndrome are aborted at an alarming rate, and too often, the decision is framed as one of “mercy.” Children...