In roughly two weeks, a video of a baby born inside her amniotic sac has been viewed over 22 million times. This...
The Alabama House of Representatives plans to reintroduce the pro-life ‘Heartbeat Bill,’ which, according to LifeSiteNews, “would make committing an abortion against a...
On October 22, Live Action published a response to RH Reality Check’s “The Day I Learned Aborted Fetuses Aren’t People,” an article...
Pro-life writer Melinda Tankard Reist shares the testimonies of women who regret their abortions in her book Giving Sorrow Words: Women’s Stories...
Nearly every pro-lifer has seen a picture of a pre-born baby on ultrasound or photographs of children in the womb. Leonard Nielsen,...
Mindy Raelynne Danison has suffered through two tragic miscarriages – one with the baby at seven weeks, and the other at eight weeks and five days....
Recently on TV, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards said, “Women trust Planned Parenthood.” But as the saying goes, if you have to tell...
The Motherish shared this video of a tiny preborn baby having conversations with her mommy on Facebook at the end of April...