Elaine Riddick, an African-American rape survivor who years ago was the victim of eugenic sterilization by the State of North Carolina without her knowledge...
The timing of when Planned Parenthood gave civil rights leader Martin Luther King (MLK), Jr. their infamous Margaret Sanger award is suspicious...
Kermit Gosnell committed horrendous crimes in his abortion facility in West Philadelphia over nearly three decades. Some he got away with. Some he...
On October 23, New York Times Magazine posed the following question to its audience on Twitter: “If you could go back and kill...
Maybe you are like me and have been watching the horrific undercover videos on Planned Parenthood and asking yourself, “How much more does the...
Last month, Yahoo printed an article by a mom who horrifyingly wrote that if she had known her daughter would have Down...
Rachel Mullen is fighting hard for the right to life for children diagnosed prenatally with Down syndrome. She knows firsthand how preborn...
A coalition of African American pastors and pro-life leaders held a press conference today, demanding the removal of the bust of Planned Parenthood’s founder from...
Defunding Planned Parenthood has been a recurring theme of the 2016 GOP presidential candidates. Now, an African-American pastor has published a short...
This week, retired pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson discussed the eugenic and racist links to Planned Parenthood on several Fox News programs. On...
Retired neurosurgeon and Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson went on the offensive against abortion and Planned Parenthood this week. Yesterday, Newsmax reports,...
Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign is out with an ad on Iowa TV stations. Breitbart reports: [Cruz] spokesman Rick Tyler said that this...
Former Alaska Governor and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin is calling attention to abortion’s disproportionate death toll among black Americans on her Facebook...
Pro-choice author Carole Joffe interviewed abortion clinic workers for a book she was writing. The workers acknowledged that Margaret Sanger, birth control crusader and...