Most people would back away from anyone threatening them while they stood for preborn children outside an abortion clinic – but not...
Since the release of undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood officials engaging in illegal activity, five states have moved to remove funds from...
On Thursday, the pro-life Florida Family Policy Council called on Florida’s Republican Governor Rick Scott to “immediately cut and strip Planned Parenthood...
Planned Parenthood is still claiming innocence, despite overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing and illegal activity throughout various parts of the organization. The abortion...
Like Tom Petty, Florida won’t back down. Planned Parenthood, after being in an investigation in which they were caught breaking the law by...
Planned Parenthood in Florida is seeking a legal injunction against citations for performing second-trimester abortions without proper licensing, Thomson/Reuters reports. As Live...
Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign is out with an ad on Iowa TV stations. Breitbart reports: [Cruz] spokesman Rick Tyler said that this...
“We didn’t do it.” Perhaps that mantra has been chanted so frequently by Planned Parenthood officials that they believe it. The latest...
Even states not directly implicated in the fetal body parts scandal at Planned Parenthood have opened investigations into their local affiliates of the abortion...
The number of videos released by the Center for Medical Progress featuring top Planned Parenthood executives discussing their fetal parts business keeps...
On Tuesday, Florida Chief Circuit Judge Charles Francis blocked the state’s 24-hour waiting period for abortion just before it was to take...
A couple in Jacksonville, Florida had just welcomed a baby boy less than a year before when they discovered that they were...
By now you’ve probably heard of 15 year old Davion Only from St. Petersburg, Florida. Davion is the brave orphan boy who...
Remee Lee is devastated. The 26-year-old Floridian went from finding out she was pregnant to filing charges against the father of her...