The special bond formed between a woman and one of her students led to a forever family. Seven-year-old William had cycled through...
One 10-year-old Georgia girl had an important Christmas wish this year: to be adopted. Much to her surprise and delight, her wish...
Loralie, age nine, spent 1,445 days in the foster care system. Now, she has found a permanent home with her second-grade teacher...
Abortion advocates argue that abortion is necessary to keep children out of foster care, and somehow an erroneous idea pervades the public...
During a recent episode of Red Table Talk with Jada Pinkett Smith, her mother Adrienne, and her daughter Willow, actress Sandra Bullock...
Shaylon is a 13-year-old boy who wants just one thing for Christmas: to be adopted. The teenager has been moved from foster...
In honor of National Adoption Day on November 20, People magazine featured an incredible story of a New Jersey couple with six biological...
A group of five siblings is hoping to be adopted into the same family, allowing them to be reunited. Christopher, Honest, Karmah,...
On November 4, 2021, 20 Texas children in foster care were adopted into 12 families during Travis County Adoption Day. One of...
Dawn and Mike Brostowitz never imagined that saying yes to foster care would ultimately result in doubling their family size — but that’s...
Since 1995, November has officially been National Adoption Month, and one adoption ceremony held in Jacksonville, Florida, made national headlines for its...
UPDATE, 8/11/21, 3:39 p.m.: Simone Biles has responded to controversy created by her Instagram story, lashing out at some on Twitter, claiming...
Youth sports coach Daniel Donaldson of Haleyville, Alabama, met a young girl named Alecia in 2019 when he became her coach and...
Victoria Petersen was 12 years old when she entered foster care, and 18 when she aged out of the system without an...