On Tuesday, Republican presidential candidate and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum blasted Planned Parenthood and its defenders in Congress during an interview...
Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz is calling on 100,000 Christian pastors to help marshal support for defunding Planned Parenthood. “We cannot allow this...
Five GOP state senators in Tennessee have requested Governor Bill Haslam to enact a set of emergency rules for abortion clinics to...
Many pro-lifers have a soft spot for Dr. Ben Carson. It’s no wonder why: the soft-spoken warmth of his delivery and his status...
Planned Parenthood Gulf States surely thought they’d appear to dominate the moral high ground in the rally they planned outside the Louisiana Governor’s...
The Pulse 2016 reports that on Wednesday, Ohio Governor and Republican presidential campaign John Kasich answered a question on whether he would...
On Wednesday, Texas Senator and Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz blasted Planned Parenthood over the latest Center for Medical Progress investigative video....
Declaring the fetal organ harvesting practices exposed by the Center for Medical Progress “more than an isolated incident,” Republicans on the House...
To date, twelve states have launched investigations into their Planned Parenthood affiliates to determine if they are engaged in the kinds of illegal...
Following comments that seemed to suggest human life does not begin until a fetus’s heart starts beating, Life News reports that presidential...
Right on cue, Mike Huckabee’s insistence that rape doesn’t justify killing a child even when the victim is a child too has...
Former Arkansas Governor and Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has waded into the controversy over an 11-year-old rape victim in Paraguay who...
Following the revelation that he studied cells from aborted babies in 1992, presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson endorsed the use of RU-486...
Pro-life presidential candidate and retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson is under fire for news that he once used cells from two aborted...