Mainstream media is well-known for using language specifically meant to dehumanize preborn human beings. The only way to justify the mass slaughtering...
In a Sunday Letter to the Editor published at, retired nurse Martin Langlois attempted to expose the “hypocrisy” of Catholic bishops...
The social media account So You Want To Talk About (SYWTTA) recently decided to take on the idea of “pro-life hypocrisy” in...
The Democratic Party’s extremist new abortion platform may not help them with Americans not already in the Cult of Abortionism, but it’s...
The latest pro-abortion attempt to score political points with the Orlando terrorist attack is less of a reach than Jodi Jacobson’s, but...
As a general rule, Slate is one of the last places you should turn for advice when faced with a moral dilemma....
To most people, this weekend’s horrible shooting at a gay nightclub in Florida, committed by a radical Muslim swearing allegiance to ISIS,...
Republican Congresswoman Renee Ellmers lost her primary this week to primary challenger George Holding, who pledges to be a more reliable pro-life...
This month, the New York State Assembly passed a bill declaring, “The state shall not deny a woman’s right to obtain an abortion...
Among the most insufferable figures in modern media’s rich cast of ne’er-do-wells is the celebrity expert, someone with a reputation for specialized...
Sometimes when pro-abortion propagandists are desperate to find a new angle from which to attack pro-lifers as heartless phonies, they end up...
On Wednesday, Sharon Coutts at Rewire (formerly RH Reality Check) reported on crisis pregnancy centers’ use of geo-fencing technology to advertise alternatives...
Sarah Silverman, the alleged comedian who thinks prenatal human beings are “goo” and defends Planned Parenthood with literally the same arguments Nazi...
At the Atlantic, Emma Green tackles the subject of sex-selection and genetic-abnormality abortion bans under the provocative headline, “Should Women Be Able...