Jane’s Revenge, a pro-abortion domestic terror group, claims it has attacked pregnancy centers in California and Vermont over the weekend. Their threatening...
A “Night of Rage” promised by pro-abortion terrorist group Jane’s Revenge, though milder than anticipated, involved skirmishes with police. It began shortly...
CompassCare Pregnancy Center in New York was the victim of a firebombing by pro-abortion extremists in early June, but instead of ramping...
A message allegedly emailed to an anarchist blog by a pro-abortion terrorist group has claimed credit for the attack of two pro-life...
In light of recent acts of pro-abortion terrorism against pro-life centers, dozens of faith leaders and pro-life groups have joined CatholicVote in...
Violent acts claimed by Jane’s Revenge and other pro-abortion extremists — including at least four arsons aimed at pro-life centers — should be “viewed...
UPDATE, 6/15/22: The Daily Wire reports that the White House has condemned the Jane’s Revenge communique. Reportedly, White House Assistant Press Secretary...
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued a new alert warning of potential violence to religious and minority institutions — but failed...
Police have arrested an armed California man who traveled to Maryland with the specific goal of killing Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh....
CompassCare Pregnancy Services in Buffalo, New York, a pro-life center assisting women experiencing unplanned pregnancies, was firebombed on the night of June...
A pro-abortion terrorist group has issued a communique instructing its followers to carry “anger out into the world” by “expressing it physically” on...