Disturbing information about the relationship between actress Ione Skye and rock star Anthony Kiedis — front man for the Red Hot Chili...
Arkansans for Limited Government has gathered enough signatures to place a pro-abortion constitutional amendment on the state’s upcoming November ballot. In a recent...
In his 1968 book, “The Population Bomb,” Dr. Paul Ehrlich made a number of doomsday predictions, but has a poor batting average at...
Ever since Paul Ehrlich’s needlessly alarmist 1968 book “The Population Bomb“ triggered a worldwide panic over alleged global overpopulation, individuals, organizations, and...
If Roe v. Wade is overturned, the lives of children with health conditions such as cystic fibrosis will be saved — and...
Brian Gibson’s destiny as a pro-life advocate was set into motion at an early age. Growing up with eight siblings – one...
Recently, The New York Times decided to publicize what pro-lifers have known for years: healthy babies are being aborted due to prenatal...
As a follow-up to the Australian Placental Transfusion Study, a new study out of the University of Sydney found that delaying clamping...
A premature baby who was born 18 weeks early has defied the odds and is now able to spend the holidays at...
This is part four of a series. Click to read parts one, two, and three. Advocates for Youth (AFY) and its quasi-pornographic...
For most of human existence, prenatal development has largely been a mystery for the average person, and even for many in the...
In 2017, the United Kingdom (UK) put a cap on the amount of money families can receive through Universal Credit, a social...
July 25-31 marks National Natural Family Planning (NFP) Awareness Week. While fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs) of NFP have traditionally been considered the domain...
According to a new report from the Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF), the Central California Women’s Facility has added new pregnancy “resources” to...