Abandoned at six years old and considered an orphan, Charles Mulli narrowly escaped starving to death and committing suicide. Through a domino...
(C-Fam, Washington, D.C.) The UN’s agency dedicated to promoting “sexual and reproductive health,” is becoming more brazen in promoting abortion around the world,...
A recent article in Foreign Policy claimed pro-life laws, like the Texas Heartbeat Act (SB8), do not reduce the number of abortions....
(Right to Life UK) In Kenya’s western region, childcare is traditionally the responsibility of mothers. However, a new initiative is helping Kenyan fathers...
A member of the Kenyan Parliament is warning US President Barack Obama not to promote abortion during his impending trip to the...
Much enthusiasm is devoted to issues of health, environmental stewardship, and human rights at the United Nations. But for many officials at...
I wrote earlier this week about how U.S. taxpayers are being forced to foot the bill to fund pro-abortion groups overseas to...