DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz isn’t the only abortion absolutist in the Democrats’ top ranks. On April 10, the Weekly Standard’s John McCormack...
Starr Rogers’ story is a reminder that redemption and healing are possible, even when devastation comes from a person’s own choices. After...
Legislation to enact 20 week abortion bans are spreading across the country, in addition to the possibility of a federal ban —...
Ever since Congressional Republicans have announced their intentions to introduce a 20 week abortion ban, NARAL has been mad about it. And...
Some pro-life groups have been focusing efforts on banning a late-term abortion procedure called the D&E (Dilation and Evacuation) abortion. In this...
People on both sides of the abortion debate had much to talk about when Republicans introduced a bill that would ban abortion...
The events of this year’s March for Life week have been particularly illuminating for the state of America’s abortion conflict. On Tuesday,...
The abortion lobby has been very nervous about the possibility of a nationwide 20-week abortion ban. The bill is scheduled for a...
On a pro-choice website, an abortionist identified only as Lynne V discusses her job at the abortion chain Cedar River Clinics. Cedar...
North Dakota recently passed a bill outlawing the abortion of babies based on birth defects, like Down syndrome. Pro-lifers and disability advocates...
It’s only a few days into the new year, and already NARAL is on defense. One of the first actions the newly...
Losing hurts. Wanting something to happen so badly you can’t imagine a world where it doesn’t only sets you up for demoralization,...
People with disabilities are not often valued in our society. They’re demeaned as burdens or drains on taxpayers. And heaven forbid if...
Rebecca Traister attempts to come off as some authority on women, feminism, and the reality of abortion in her New Republic piece...