The abortion industry doesn’t want to admit that babies can survive abortion. They call it a myth and pretend it doesn’t happen...
Greg Delleney, chairman of the South Carolina House Judiciary Committee, is reassuring pro-lifers that a proposed state ban on abortions at 20...
President Barack Obama has made clear he would rather shut down the federal government than defund Planned Parenthood. He hails abortion as...
Last week, the Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would ban abortion after 20 weeks...
There’s a few lines abortion advocates really seem to like. Among the more popular? “A fetus isn’t human.” When it comes to...
In a webcast on December 21 sponsored by And Then There Were None, three abortion facility workers shared their stories of working in...
South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley fully expects to sign the 19-week abortion ban currently making its way through the state legislature. “I...
Politico reports that the abortion-supporting Senator Patty Murray is leading her fellow Democrats in a new approach to forcing a hearing on...
There are viral videos soaring through the Internet via YouTube and Facebook opening our eyes to abortion in America and beyond like never...
Abortion advocates have been complaining that the debates between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders haven’t devoted enough attention to abortion so far, but...
The South Carolina Senate has voted 36-9 to pass a bill to ban abortions past 19 weeks of pregnancy. The bill would...
On Monday, the Utah Senate voted 19-5 in favor of legislation that would require doctors to administer anesthesia to babies during an...
A video released this week by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) highlights a conversation with Dr. Jennefer Russo, who performs abortions up...
Every day in America, nearly 3,000 preborn children are killed by abortion. The Guttmacher Institute, a former research arm of Planned Parenthood, records that there are...