The pro-life movement experienced a milestone year, with huge national victories across the board. From a record number of pro-life legislators elected...
How do abortionists describe preborn children and the violent abortion procedures they perform on them? A video has gone viral that exposes...
The United Nations Population Fund recently put out a report on children and adolescents. Part of it deals with abortion laws and...
Live Action wants to send you to the 2015 March for Life in Washington, D.C., for a chance to stand for LIFE...
Democratic incumbent Mary Landrieu is waging a tough fight in Louisiana’s senate race. That fight got tougher this month as Landrieu faced...
Man, if you’re a pro-choice writer, you’ve got it made. Want to run a hit piece against pro-lifers but don’t have the...
Ever since I went to my first March For Life when I was four I have been shocked that unborn children are killed....
Her trophy was a dead baby, but her accolades live on. Emily Letts, an abortion clinic worker, made news when she entered the Abortion...
Live Action president Lila Rose appeared on CNN’s Crossfire, along with NARAL president Ilyse Hogue, and the issue of rape and abortion...
In an effort to seemingly expand California’s already large abortion state, Assemblywoman Toni Atkins has introduced a bill, AB154, which would allow...
Breathless quasi-outrage!
Hundreds of people attend.
"We are not going away!"
Live Action will be holding a “Stop the Killing” rally on Wednesday, May 1st. The rally will be held in front of...