Among the various pro-life bills introduced at the state level, Oklahoma’s recent plan to start teaching fetal development in public schools deserves...
In July 2015, the Center for Medical Progress released explosive undercover footage showing Planned Parenthood officials bartering over the organs and body parts of aborted...
At Slate, Nora Caplan-Bricker is not happy that Oklahoma intends to teach public school students that human life begins at fertilization — not...
Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin signed legislation Monday mandating a statewide educational campaign aimed to educate individuals that abortion destroys a human being. The...
It’s beginning to sound like an episode of a bad TV show called Oklahoma Abortion Wars. First, an infamous abortionist announces she’s...
As Oklahoma lawmakers continue to pass pro-life legislation, the head of a Kansas abortion clinic plans to expand her abortion business into...
In response to Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin’s Friday veto of legislation that would have made performing an abortion grounds for loss of...
On Friday, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin broke her perfect record of approving every pro-life bill that has come across her desk, and vetoed SB...
On Thursday, the Oklahoma House voted 69-15 to pass legislation aimed at educating students and the general public alike about fetal development...
UPDATE: Oklahoma governor vetoes bill that would have suspended medical licenses of abortionists Oklahoma lawmakers passed legislation Thursday that would suspend the medical...
ThinkProgress is outrageously-outraged at Oklahoma for its recently-passed (but not yet signed) bill that would effectively ban abortion for any reason other...
Oklahoma is already at the top of the Americans United for Life, annual list, which ranks states on their protection of life. ...
The pro-abortion Center for Reproductive Rights is back in court attempting to invalidate Oklahoma’s 2014 admitting privileges requirement for abortion facilities. CRR...
Republican leaders in the Oklahoma State Senate have blocked SB 1118, a bill to classify abortion as first-degree murder punishable by life...