Last night’s 2016 Republican primary debates showcased some stirring defenses of life from Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, and...
A fifth video has been released by the Center for Medical Progress. It features Melissa Farrell, director of research at Planned Parenthood’s...
With the release of a fifth video from the Center for Medical Progress, damage has certainly been done to Planned Parenthood. One...
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) gave an intense speech against bill S. 1881 to defund Planned Parenthood on August 3. Furious, Warren scolded...
On Tuesday, the fifth video was released by the Center for Medical Progress, showing top Planned Parenthood employees discussing the abortion giant’s...
Though not the subject of the evening’s most tumultuous on-stage fights, abortion was a recurring theme for the top ten candidates for...
Due to the large number of Republican candidates seeking their party’s presidential nomination, Fox News Channel decided to split the first debate...
The story of former “micropreemie” Trevor Frolek couldn’t come at a more awkward time for Planned Parenthood. Currently, the largest abortion provider...
Tuesday morning, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released their fifth undercover video. It is the most visually graphic and disturbing yet,...
Operation Rescue reports today that their attorney has sent Cease and Desist letters to both Richards and ABC News demanding retractions for statements Richards...
With the U.S. Senate failing to defund Planned Parenthood on Monday, despite a majority voting to do so, pro-life leaders are seeking...
Alabama is the latest state to break its existing Medicaid contract with Planned Parenthood. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal did the same thing last...
The country is outraged about the undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood executives haggling over the body parts of preborn babies, some of whom...
“We didn’t do it.” Perhaps that mantra has been chanted so frequently by Planned Parenthood officials that they believe it. The latest...