In 1892, Lizzie Andrew Borden stood accused of murdering her father and stepmother with an axe. Apparently that made her something of...
On a hot 2012 summer day in Columbia, Missouri, 40 Days For Life campaign director Kathy Forck handed a bottle of water...
Live Action’s newest undercover investigation, SexEd, which exposes Planned Parenthood’s dangerous sex advice for children, has shocked Americans across the country. The...
Torture. Physical violence. Abusive sex. Live Action’s latest undercover investigation unravels Planned Parenthood’s startling sexology. Live Action’s new investigative video reveals how far the abortion-giant will go...
Wendy Davis has released a new campaign ad attacking Greg Abbott for how he sided in an old state Supreme Court case....
Live Action is most recently engaged in uncovering the dangerous sex agenda endorsed by Planned Parenthood and its affiliates. Adding more fuel...
It’s that time again: time for Planned Parenthood’s Maggie Awards. The Maggie Awards were founded in 1978 to “recognize exceptional contributions by...
Planned Parenthood ought to be blushing 50 shades of pink for promoting dangerous and violent sex advice to naive teenagers, but the...
Man, if you’re a pro-choice writer, you’ve got it made. Want to run a hit piece against pro-lifers but don’t have the...
So I was going over the itinerary for next weekend, and it doesn’t look like I’ll be whipping any underage girls. Choking...
Following troubling allegations against Planned Parenthood for failing to report child sexual abuse and violating laws protecting minors, Colorado Attorney General John Suthers announced that attorneys...
In the wake of new evidence provided by a former Planned Parenthood manager detailing the abortion giant’s disturbing annual quotas, Texas congressmen expressed outrage and...
It’s no secret that Planned Parenthood preys on children. By getting their hooks into our kids early, they ensure a lifetime of...
For fifty years, Gloria Steinem has been one of America’s most visible abortion advocates. Apparently she’s also a Jay-Z fan. A frequent...