The celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday often brings with it attempts to twist and pervert his legacy to score political...
A Planned Parenthood facility in Dubuque, Iowa, will be closing as soon as the building can be sold. This facility is one...
Alliance Defending Freedom has uncovered documents proving that despite the claims of both Planned Parenthood and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the university did in fact obtain...
United Airlines has been censoring Live Action News, blocking access to the site on its inflight wifi.
A Harris County grand jury has indicted two Center for Medical Progress investigators — specifically, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt – while declining to indict...
Self-described Socialist Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is attempting to make amends with Planned Parenthood just days after criticizing the abortion giant as...
On Sunday, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump issued a belated recognition of Roe v. Wade’s 43rd anniversary, with a Washington Examiner editorial...
In a head-scratching piece at the Huffington Post, Miranda Blue attempts to paint The Center for Medical Progress’s David Daleiden, the man behind the undercover...
Pro-abortion outlets including Gawker, Jezebel, Raw Story, and ThinkProgress are ganging up on Carly Fiorina for a mix-up at the Iowa Right...
Following the announcement of Marco Rubio’s advisers on pro-life policies, Jezebel’s Anna Merlan is attacking the board as “full of weirdos” who...
On Tuesday, presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio announced the formation of a panel of pro-life leaders to advise him throughout his campaign,...
(Bound4Life) I was raised in a conservative Christian home, attending church every time the doors opened. A people-pleaser from birth, I especially...
Over 100 years ago, Winston Churchill questioned, “What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes...
The Wisconsin State Senate has voted to pass two bills that would eliminate a combined $7.5 million in state funding for Planned...