Earlier this year, Arkansas passed an array of pro-life bills, many of which would mean women seeking abortions would be safer. These...
U.S. District Judge Nanette Laughrey, a Clinton appointee, has ruled that a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Columbia, Missouri, may keep its abortion...
Nothing angers pro-aborts more than reminding people what abortion is. That’s why they’ve been so desperate to discredit the Planned Parenthood undercover...
Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, the Planned Parenthood affiliate covering Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska and eastern Oklahoma, has filed a lawsuit against a newly-enacted...
The latest Planned Parenthood annual report has been released, and shows that while abortions performed by Planned Parenthood only fell slightly, government...
Planned Parenthood has long touted itself as the leader and advocate for women’s health, claiming that millions of women would lose access to basic health care services should...
The abortion debate has long played an important role in elections, with many voters on both sides considering the issue to be of...
Americans learned a lot of terrible things about Planned Parenthood this year, but these five just might take the cake. When it...
In a look back at the cultural winners and losers of the year, a big loser has to be Planned Parenthood, no matter how...
Tell us again how you love Jesus and support abortion. That’s what Reverend Harry Knox, leader of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive...
In November of 2014, a woman who identified herself only as Hope told her story of witnessing what sounds like a D&E...
When an organization is a blatant human rights violater (like Planned Parenthood), it’s not difficult to be ironic. But as President of...
Last week’s budget agreement leaving federal funding of Planned Parenthood largely intact has rightly angered scores of pro-lifers who hoped that Congress’s...
Throughout the second half of 2015, the bombshell discovery that Planned Parenthood has been harvesting baby body parts has led several states to the...