In the aftermath of the horrific shooting in Colorado Springs, Planned Parenthood intensified efforts to silence Americans who wish to protect human life,...
Since Friday’s tragic shooting – condemned by leaders in all spheres of the pro-life movement – Planned Parenthood has been politicizing the...
(Daily Signal) In the wake of a violent tragedy, Planned Parenthood has redoubled its efforts to silence its critics. The Colorado Springs shooter, who...
Failed Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis said on MSNBC that “very dangerous political rhetoric” was partly to blame for “fueling” last week’s...
When a lone gunman was arrested after killing three people and wounding several others at or near a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood last week, the media...
US District Judge Nanette Laughrey has issued a temporary delay on Missouri health officials revoking a Columbia Planned Parenthood’s license to perform...
Mike Adams, a criminology professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, is no stranger to controversy. An outspoken pro-life Christian who...
It was only a matter of time before Planned Parenthood exploited last week’s shooting at their Colorado Springs clinic. PP Executive Vice...
On August 15, 2012, Floyd Corkins entered the offices of the Family Research Council, a conservative Christian organization, with a gun and...
On Sunday, Republican presidential candidate and Texas Senator Ted Cruz defended the pro-life movement against the charge that it inadvertently encouraged last...
Over the weekend, Republican presidential candidate and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee denounced last week’s shooting at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood...
Much has been speculated about regarding the man responsible for the horrible shooting in Colorado Springs, but one person we should be focusing on...
On Friday afternoon, there was an active shooter situation in Colorado Springs. While the details are still unclear, the shooter was confirmed...
Yesterday a crazed gunman went on a shooting spree in Colorado Springs, killing three people and injuring many more. The shooting was...