A lone gunman at a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs Friday killed three people, including a police officer, and left five more...
In recent months, a series of undercover videos has exposed Planned Parenthood’s practice of harvesting fetal organs. In defense of this practice,...
A new report on abortion stats published by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) indicates that abortions have decreased in the last...
Cecile Richards is either the least self-aware person on the planet, or she’s got a really sick sense of humor. Those are the...
Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union are suing Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services to reverse its ban on...
Hospital admitting privilege requirements have led to a Columbia Planned Parenthood ending its surgical abortion services, leaving the state of Missouri with...
On Monday, the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Wisconsin’s law requiring abortion providers to get admitting privileges at nearby...
In the wake of the recent scandal over Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts (no pun intended), it seems that Hollywood has...
In a bizarre act of gratitude for the ability to kill preborn children in the womb, an abortion supporter was caught on...
In the mid-season finale of ABC’s hit show “Scandal,” the show’s lead character, Olivia Pope, aborted the baby she conceived with the President....
In what can only be described as tragic ignorance, Planned Parenthood’s Black Community is applauding the abortion scene in the season finale...
Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards has announced that her organization is filing a lawsuit against the state of Texas over its attempts...
Alexander Sanger, the grandson of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, is dedicated to the pro-abortion movement. In 2004 he wrote a book...
(The Daily Signal) After discovering “alarming” instances of billing inconsistencies, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin ordered health care officials to block all state...