On Thursday night, ABC and “Scandal” sank to a new all-time low (a difficult feat for the popular but scandalous “Scandal”). Star...
The folks at Planned Parenthood have tried to clean up their image before on social media, and each time it backfires. You...
“Scandal” is one of ABC’s hottest shows. The show revolves around “fixer” Olivia Pope (played by actress Kerry Washington, who publicly supports...
StandUpGirl.com is a powerful online tool reaching millions of young women and teen girls interested in facts on pregnancy and abortion with...
State inspection reports coming out of Pennsylvania detail how two Planned Parenthood facilities in Philadelphia have become houses of horror. At one...
Despite video evidence of Planned Parenthood’s baby harvesting operation and other atrocities, the abortion giant believes those who oppose them are the extremists. To...
The pro-life group Students for Life of America is planning to launch a two week tour starting at the end of this month,...
Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin has asked the state’s healthcare authority to consider terminating its contracts with Planned Parenthood, citing significant overbilling practices...
The Republican party continues to be hugely divided on the issue of if, how, and when to defund Planned Parenthood. Much of the disagreement within...
It doesn’t matter what Planned Parenthood is caught on tape doing; it seems their professional apologists in the blogosphere will never budge...
Planned Parenthood has often said that abortion accounts for just 3% of what they do. But is it true? Planned Parenthood’s latest annual...
A quote from the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology describes the emotional impact abortion has on nurses and highlights the plight of...
“The obvious political strategy for a Democratic administration is to ignore the vids for as long as possible….” Four months after it...
Abortion giant Planned Parenthood, which claims constantly that it needs taxpayer funding to do its “good” work, plans to spend $20 million...