In an effort to discredit the overwhelming evidence against them, Planned Parenthood commissioned an analysis into videos released by Center for Medical...
Silent No More is an organization that gathers the testimonies of post-abortive women and men. They recently released a document containing the stories of women...
Planned Parenthood is still claiming innocence, despite overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing and illegal activity throughout various parts of the organization. The abortion...
A coalition of African American pastors and pro-life leaders held a press conference today, demanding the removal of the bust of Planned Parenthood’s founder from...
(Students for Life/R.J. McVeigh) You can imagine my shock. About a month ago, a saw a post on social media from a friend in...
( You know it’s bad when the media start bashing Planned Parenthood – with pro-choice arguments. The New York Post Editorial Board...
Kansas has been a great state for the pro-life cause this year. In addition to passing the nation’s first abortion dismemberment ban,...
“There are six thing which the LORD hates, yes, seven which are an abomination to Him; haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and...
So, I’m going to be honest about something: dead children really don’t bring a smile to my face. They do for some people, though; Tucker Max...
No discussion about the abortion industry at its worst would be complete without hearing from Wendy Davis, the failed candidate for Governor...
According to a poll released August 24 from, a majority of Utah’s residents have an unfavorable view of Planned Parenthood. The poll...
On Saturday, August 22, thousands of pro-lifers gathered at more than 300 Planned Parenthood clinics around the nation. Using the rallying cry...
On Tuesday, Republican presidential candidate and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum blasted Planned Parenthood and its defenders in Congress during an interview...
Have you ever been in a dysfunctional relationship with a significant other or a parent, or maybe even a friend? One minute...