Abortion advocates tend to be very vocal about avoiding (or ending) pregnancy while remaining fairly quiet about what causes it in the first...
Weeks ago, I walked into our crisis pregnancy center and witnessed a miracle. I have been volunteering as a counselor for over...
(I Am Untold) It started with a long awaited positive pregnancy test – JOY! But that joy quickly faded at the very...
A training manual on abortion tells doctors and clinicians to avoid using the word “baby” and suggests substituting “fetus” or “pregnancy instead....
I was 18 when I conceived my precious Benjamin and 19 when he was born. Ideally, I was going to attend college...
(Newsbusters) One women’s magazine is hyperventilating over the fact that an image of a fetus actually looks like… a baby. Writing for Elle...
Miscarriage is one of the hardest things a woman can go through — and yet, it’s surprisingly common. According to the American...
Abortion facility owner Norma Goldberger recounts a story in which a woman at her clinic was told she aborted twins: One doctor told a...
After a 10-day mission to the United States, the United Nations Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women in law...
The panic is temporary. The fear is temporary. The crisis is temporary. The days when you wake up thinking “how did I...
Responding To Pro-Abortion Advocates is a series where I focus in on comments made by pro-abortion persons. These comments might be seen...
The study “Attitudes of Patients after “Genetic” Termination of Pregnancy” in the British Medical Journal found that parents of babies aborted due to disability or...
Alexander Sanger, the grandson of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, is dedicated to the pro-abortion movement. In 2004 he wrote a book...
Tyndale House Publishers recently released a book being marketed as “the most technologically advanced pregnancy book in the history of the world.”...