After a frightening medical ordeal, preemie Ayla-Grace was born at just 26 weeks on April 29 in order to protect her life...
A premature baby in Canada born with all of her intestines outside her body has defied the odds, and is headed home...
A California man is alive today because of the premature birth of his baby daughter. Jonathan Cedillo was already at the hospital for...
Lacey Murray is a premature baby, born in July at just 28 weeks gestation and weighing one pound, one ounce. The newborn...
Three-year-old Jessica Shannon had a challenging start to life, but the little girl has overcome the odds and is now ready to...
At 20 weeks, Vickie Carr and her husband Rohan learned that their preborn baby was no longer growing. Just five weeks later,...
Julia Coleman, the youngest Minnesota state senator in office, recently spoke with The Catholic Spirit about her experience balancing marriage, motherhood, pregnancy,...
Premature babies have a better chance of surviving outside the womb than ever before thanks to new medical technology focused on saving...
The Daily Beast is no stranger to posting pro-abortion articles. But recently, they used Donald Trump’s comments on punishing abortionists (and women)...
(I Am Untold) It started with a long awaited positive pregnancy test – JOY! But that joy quickly faded at the very...
Late-term abortionist Dr. Marilynn C. Frederiksen testified under oath in the partial-birth abortion trials, explaining why babies are sometimes born alive in late-term abortions....
When I graduated from college, I went into broadcast radio, but a few years later, when I moved to Chicago, I decided...
When she was 26 weeks pregnant, Norelle Smith was diagnosed with toxic pre-eclampsia, a condition that includes symptoms such as high blood...