Being pro-life and pro legal gun possession are not mutually exclusive nor are they at odds with one another. In fact, they...
Last year, supporters of abortion organized a Halloween party while 40 days for Life of Buffalo prayed outside an abortion facility where...
Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson took on the all-female, mostly pro-abortion panel (at least one of whom is still falsely claiming that Planned...
Most abortion activists will say that abortion is an issue of women’s rights. When it comes to men, they’re often told that...
As the fall campaign for 40 Days for Life kicked off this week, the organization reminded people of the power of prayer...
GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina was campaigning at a tailgating event for the Iowa Hawkeyes on Saturday when Planned Parenthood supporters decided...
On the campaign trail in Iowa this weekend, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina called out a Planned Parenthood supporter for spreading propaganda,...
The biggest lie perpetuated by abortion advocates (including legislators) in the Planned Parenthood funding battle is also a lie meant to scare...
New Mexico pro-life group ProtestABQ is taking their “truth truck” into the neighborhood of pro-abortion Albuquerque city council candidate Pat Davis to show...
The abortion lobby is relentlessly trying to put a happy face on the killing of children in the womb, this time using...
Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue and board member of The Center for Medical Progress (CMP), which has exposed Planned Parenthood for its gruesome...
I read with great interest a blog by 29-year-old Ashley M. Gorman, who recently wrote about the need for pro-life Christians to care about...
A group of pro-life activists blocked the site of a new Planned Parenthood center in Washington, D.C., this morning. Abortion Free DC,...
Albuquerque residents received graphic mailers from a pro-life group last week, exposing the radical abortion position of Democratic City Council Candidate Pat Davis,...