Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell foreshadowed issues a Republican-led Senate would tackle if the party secures control of the upper chamber this...
On Wednesday, Wendy Davis celebrated the one-year anniversary of filibustering Texas’ headlining pro-life law from the 2013 legislative session by throwing a...
An Illinois abortionist who transplanted to Wisconsin after his filthy Rockford facility was shut down by authorities has been unable to obtain...
As a country with a complex tale, Russia has shaken its fist at global powers and held the Iron Curtain in the face of the...
California Planned Parenthood affiliates launched an alert to members of the state legislature, urging lawmakers to kill all pro-life measures, including amendments...
Alabama pro-life activists are involved in ongoing protests against a Huntsville abortion facility’s proposed move into a minority neighborhood next to a middle school.
As pro-lifers we’ve heard the accusation that those who care for the unborn, don’t have the same concern for the women who...
On June 30 of this year, Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri will close the doors of their Hays center according to...
I still remember where I was when I opened the first page of “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” I was...
I sat across from her in the client room. Her face told her story before she opened her mouth. She was tired,...
This month we’re supposed to be aware of the plight of foster children because May is Foster Care Awareness Month. May is...
As a woman in her early thirties, I understand the importance of having yearly visits to an OBGYN. As a pro-lifer, I...
The ABC Women’s Center celebrated its 24th annual banquet this month. For over two decades, the pregnancy resource center has provided exceptional...
Heaven is for Real is a new movie based on a book by pastor and father Todd Burpo. Burpo wrote the book...