What every pro-lifer can do to end the scourge of abortion.
Tells Fine Gael, "Don't break your promise to the Irish people."
Protecting and promoting life in the European Union.
Exploiting vulnerability.
Pro-abortion movement reliably freaks out over informed consent and life-saving legislation.
Because apparently women are nothing more than their reproductive organs.
Because silencing dissent is the best way to show confidence in your cause.
What's that pro-abortion slogan again? Something about "caring"?
Human beings, with human rights, from the beginning.
Abortion never saves a woman's life. It just kills a baby.
Who is more pro-woman, again?
Turns out abortionists don't get an exemption from court costs.
For some reason, only the death-dealing occupations skate by with no regulations.
Encouraging black fathers to murder their children is now "neighborhood beautification."