Former Alaska Governor and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin is calling attention to abortion’s disproportionate death toll among black Americans on her Facebook...
Pro-choice author Carole Joffe interviewed abortion clinic workers for a book she was writing. The workers acknowledged that Margaret Sanger, birth control crusader and...
Want change for your twenty-dollar bill? The group Women on 20s (W20) does. They are leading a campaign to take President Andrew...
What does Planned Parenthood do when it is offered money to eliminate the number of African-Americans through abortion? Live Action’s latest investigative...
The hypocrisy of modern America’s worst human-rights abusers claiming to walk in the footsteps of her finest human-rights champions will never cease...
Data from the CDC reveals horrifying abortion numbers from New York City. The city already boasts of one of the highest abortion rates in...
Democratic incumbent Mary Landrieu is waging a tough fight in Louisiana’s senate race. That fight got tougher this month as Landrieu faced...
I was pretty taken aback by your comments today in your interview with the Weekly Standard.
Totally preposterous...and a little ironic, too.
"Pro-choice" racism, plain and simple.
Who's trying to save minority babies from being killed again?
Who are the real racists here?
Where's the widespread media coverage?
President Barack Obama, the most pro-abortion president in our country’s history, has come out with a new video just in time to...