There is a fast-rising trend in the abortion industry and among its supporters to intimidate and shut down pro-life pregnancy resource centers...
The City Council of Worcester, Massachusetts, voted 6-5 in July to investigate the regulation of pro-life pregnancy resource centers and to throw its...
(Pregnancy Help News) By now, it’s abundantly clear Big Abortion understands the strategic threat that free pregnancy help poses to its business...
In an unconventional move, a group of more than sixty pro-abortion organizations have sent letters to both the Democrat and Republican parties,...
(Pregnancy Help News) The fate of free speech protections guaranteed by the First Amendment is now in the hands of the 9th...
US District Judges Jeffrey White and Kimberly Mueller have sided against pro-life pregnancy centers in two cases against California’s so-called Reproductive FACT...
NOTE: This article has been edited from its original form. An initial report from Courthouse News Service appears to have mistaken a motion...
On Tuesday night, Live Action President Lila Rose faced off with NARAL President Ilyse Hogue on “The Kelly File.” Rose and Hogue...
Somebody needs to get Ilyse Hogue some facts about California’s Reproductive FACT Act, and quick. In her appearance on Tuesday night’s “The Kelly File”...
A law forcing life-affirming pregnancy centers and state-licensed medical clinics to distribute information on where and how to obtain a state-funded abortion...
The Pacific Justice Institute has filed a lawsuit on behalf of two pro-life crisis pregnancy centers to challenge California’s recently-enacted law forcing...
On Friday, the California State Senate passed AB 775, a bill requiring pro-life crisis pregnancy centers to disseminate pro-abortion messages. The so-called...