As Russian forces continue their attacks against Ukraine, the safety and well-being of children in orphanages are on the line, with at...
A man in Russia is raising his son with Down syndrome alone after his wife left him because of their child’s diagnosis....
A newborn baby girl abandoned in Russia on a frigid night of -4 degrees Fahrenheit was saved by two teenage boys who...
A recent article in Foreign Policy claimed pro-life laws, like the Texas Heartbeat Act (SB8), do not reduce the number of abortions....
In 2019, legalized abortion was forced onto Northern Ireland by the United Kingdom (UK) government in Westminster, with the regime officially taking...
As a country with a complex tale, Russia has shaken its fist at global powers and held the Iron Curtain in the face of the...
Looking after the least of us.
Callous cruelty for political points.