Planned Parenthood Gulf States surely thought they’d appear to dominate the moral high ground in the rally they planned outside the Louisiana Governor’s...
Most of us were pretty impressed this week to watch Marco Rubio school Chris Cuomo on rape exceptions, pro-life incrementalism, and embryology without...
On Monday, pro-lifers won the Senate vote to defund Planned Parenthood, but lost anyway. Anyone else see a problem here? The bill...
A lot of congressional Republicans, most GOP presidential candidates, several governors, and even some pro-choice politicians and commentators are excoriating Planned Parenthood...
The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals has backed a lower court’s decision to deem North Dakota’s heartbeat abortion ban unconstitutional, the Associated...
After alarming pro-lifers with a string of abortion missteps, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is making amends by standing by the ultrasound bill he signed in 2013...
The most striking thing about the abortion lobby’s collective freakout over the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act’s House vote is that it...
After the legislative disaster that marred this year’s March for Life, it’s reassuring to see that Congress can still do something right. The Huffington Post reports: House Republicans...
Earlier this week, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker released a new ad in response to an EMILY’s List campaign regurgitating the usual “War...
If an elephant never forgets, then maybe it’s time for the Republican Party to get a new mascot. Particularly after Ken Cuccinelli’s...
The failure of the Mississippi personhood amendment is disappointing but not surprising—the public’s general confusion on abortion, mixed messages from MI Governor...