Since the Hobby Lobby ruling, the pro-abortion lobby has been busily making sure women know that they’re under attack. Why? Because evidently,...
It’s been a week since the Supreme Court released its decision on Hobby Lobby, and the rhetoric has fallen in ugly places....
Being a rock star in real life doesn’t mean it translates to journalism. Former pop sensation Cyndi Lauper lambasted the Supreme Court...
The Supreme Court ruled on Monday, in a narrow 5-4 decision, that closely held companies like Hobby Lobby cannot be forced by...
A story from a guard at a jail recalling inmates rebellion when they don’t get their way is strikingly reminiscent of the...
The Supreme Court today ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby and religious freedom, agreeing with Hobby Lobby that the Obama administration can...
The U.S. Supreme Court is poised to rule soon on challenges to the birth control mandate under the Affordable Care Act. The challenges filed...
Pro-aborts know all too well that repeating a lie at every possible opportunity is the key to passing it off as truth,...
The Supreme Court will hear a case this session that challenges the Massachusetts law that established a 35ft buffer zone around abortion...
But SCOTUS is not the only front in this battle.
Adding to the discussion.
The Constitution does not provide an unconditional right to life to any person. Pro-choice hysteria to that effect is unfounded.
On October 22nd, Jewels Green wrote a great article offering a compelling personal story illuminating why true pro-lifers don’t use violence to...
Though united in our tireless opposition to abortion, many pro-lifers disagree about how to most effectively fight it. One school of thought...