In our first installment of the Choicespeak-to-English Dictionary, we took a look at various scientific facts the abortion movement tries to hide...
Ilyse Hogue is the president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, and she’s a little upset. Yes, I know–that’s nothing new. What is new,...
I’ve long been struck by how the temperament and tactics of “respectable” pro-abortion blogs is virtually indistinguishable from the sheer lunacy of...
Like most people, I try to avoid raw sewage. Generally speaking, human waste isn’t something that I have much of an affinity...
Fall is a season of change. It brings new color to leaves, the start of another semester, and the return of The Walking Dead...
From forced abortions to really forced abortions, the concept of "choice" as told by abortion advocates is not as simple as it...
On October 22nd, Jewels Green wrote a great article offering a compelling personal story illuminating why true pro-lifers don’t use violence to...