Planned Parenthood Action Fund (PPACT) and Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) are spending $500,000 to organize “an army of volunteers” to support their 650 centers across the country. According to Rewire, which supports Planned Parenthood’s pro-abortion mission, several hundred “volunteers” met recently in Seattle to discuss the grand plan to mobilize Planned Parenthood’s supporters and “go on the offensive.”
The goal, according to Rewire was to, “develop more than 600 volunteer teams in the next year or so.”

PP Defense Strategy in Seattle (image: Facebook)
“In practice, this means mobilizing on-the-ground support for each of the organization’s roughly 650 health centers,” Rewire wrote.
Buzzfeed also reported about the effort, organized under the direction of Planned Parenthood’s national organizing director Kelley Robinson, stating:
Over the next 12 months, the 100-year-old women’s health and abortion rights group will build a corps of 600 volunteer-led community organizing teams across the country, each one located near a Planned Parenthood health center […]

Planned Parenthood Tweets about their Defense Strategy Meeting
Live Action News has discovered that Planned Parenthood has been holding these “organizing summits” in several states. In early September, Planned Parenthood held events in Phoenix and Missouri, and Buzzfeed reports that Planned Parenthood also held summits in Oklahoma City and Charlotte, North Carolina.

PP organizing summit program guide
Buzzfeed pointed to Planned Parenthood’s previous “volunteer” training used to push the Affordable Care Act (ACA). That effort was funded by the taxpayers under the ACA’s Navigator program.
According to Buzzfeed, “The ‘curriculum’ they plan to use […] will be an updated version of one used they’ve used before, though never at a program of this scale.” Adding that:
At each of the four gatherings, planned for Seattle, Phoenix, Charlotte, and Oklahoma City, around 250 hand-picked volunteers will undergo three days of trainings, covering digital programs, protests, congressional town halls, and the more basic work of building volunteer structures. Planned Parenthood will equip volunteers with online tools like phone banks and webinars, an official said, as well as ‘lots of pink materials, including shirts’ — uniform of the ‘pink army’ known to appear at rallies and protests.
With calls to defund Planned Parenthood growing ever louder, it might seem reasonable that this desperate abortion corporation, with half a billion taxpayer dollars at risk, would attempt to mobilize support. However, this is not Planned Parenthood’s first attempt at rallying their so-called volunteer “army.”
Earlier this summer, Planned Parenthood went looking for young people to recruit for what it labeled its “Summer of Defiance,” to “provide activists campaigning and organizing skills while working on actual campaigns such as the national fight for health care reform or passing local sex education policy.”

Planned Parenthood prepares for War (Image: Think Progress)
In 2016, Think Progress, a Progressive website that supports legal abortion, reported how Planned Parenthood was spending $20 million in an effort to recruit their “army” to help gain votes for Democrat politicians, specifically Hillary Clinton. Apparently, the soldiers never turned up as Hillary was ultimately defeated.
In their puff piece entitled, “As It Prepares For War, Planned Parenthood Is Training A Political Army,” Think Progress described Planned Parenthood’s effort as, “one part of what Planned Parenthood says will be the most expensive electoral effort in its 100-year history.”
Think Progress wrote in part, “For Planned Parenthood, this election season means war. And you can’t win a war without an army.”
The newest attempt to grow Planned Parenthood’s “army” comes on the heels of yet another failure by the GOP Congress to remove PPFA’s more than half a billion in forced taxpayer dollars from the abortion corporation. But, it confirms that Planned Parenthood has indeed been on the defensive following years of undercover investigations conducted by Live Action which exposed Planned Parenthood’s history of misinformation, falsehoods, covering up of child sexual abuse and child sex trafficking, and deceptive advertising.
In addition, undercover videos published by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) shocked the nation and revealed Planned Parenthood’s gruesome baby parts scheme capturing leading Planned Parenthood staffers as they haggled over the bodies of babies they aborted.
READ: 5 things we learned about Planned Parenthood from the ‘baby parts’ videos
Planned Parenthood’s survival may be dependent upon this alleged grassroots effort and, of course, the tax payers who once again (thanks to the US Congress) are forced to send the money for Planned Parenthood to pull it off. After all, the organization’s own numbers reveal that they are losing massive amounts of patients, dropping more than 600,000 since 2011, while Planned Parenthood’s reports show that their alleged “health care” services are decreasing rapidly.
And, despite taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood doubling in past years, losing patients and decreasing actual health services, Planned Parenthood has managed to increase the one “service” they claim they do not focus on: abortion.
Today, Planned Parenthood garners 35 percent of the abortion market share nationally.
The fact remains that Planned Parenthood can afford to waste their dollars growing their “army” because with the help of the U.S. Congress, Planned Parenthood has been netting millions of dollars in excess revenue almost every year.
But, with all of Planned Parenthood’s dollars and efforts to recruit this “army,” the fact still remains that the largest youth-led efforts surrounding the abortion debate are solidly pro-life.

Students for Life organize to Defund Planned Parenthood 2017 (image credit SFL Facebook)
Organizations such as Students for Life serve over 1,000 student-led groups, training over 11,000 students each year conducting nearly 600 trainings annually.
In response to the news about the latest Planned Parenthood effort, SFL noted on their website, that:
Surveys have shown that over 53% of millennials believe that abortion should be illegal in all or most circumstances. What’s worse for them is that not only are the majority millennials pro-life, but, even according to NARAL and EMILY’s List, pro-life millennials are more likely to be passionate about their beliefs than pro-abortion millennials. These passionate pro-life millennials are more inclined to be engaged on social media and ready to stand up for the preborn.
Planned Parenthood’s effort to rally their “army” is yet another attempt to simply push abortion down the throats of the American public.
The fact is, that the over half a billion dollars sent to Planned Parenthood every year by the Government is fungible and frees up funds that can pay for abortion and be used to campaign against the very politicians who keep failing to defund this abortion behemoth. And, apparently, funds can also be used to organize an “army” which can then attack anyone who opposes Planned Parenthood in the future.
If Planned Parenthood can waste $500K to organize their “army” then perhaps they no longer need the millions of dollars the taxpayer is forced to send them each year.