
Ted Cruz calls on 100,000 pastors to demand the defunding of Planned Parenthood

Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz is calling on 100,000 Christian pastors to help marshal support for defunding Planned Parenthood.

“We cannot allow this to continue,” Cruz says of Planned Parenthood’s fetal organ harvesting, in a video message announcing the initiative. “Only our pastors and church leaders have enough influence to put a stop to this holocaust.”

In a letter sent to pastors across the country, printed in full at CBN News, Cruz asks them “to confront this evil in our nation by praying and preaching with an unbridled passion until funding for Planned Parenthood ends, and this barbaric practice is purged from the land,” then invites them to the following:

  1. Join me for a Pastors Conference Call on August 25th to hear how you can be a part of this effort.
  2. Preach a message on August 30th calling on your people to enter into this spiritual battle for the soul of their nation.
  3. Lead your people in a “Day of Prayer and Fasting” on September 9th as thousands of churches call on God, during their Wednesday night services, to move in the hearts of men and women in government to vote to end the slaughter of the innocents.

CBN reports that Cruz also directed the 100,000 pastors to a sermon outline for notes, Bible verses, and points on crafting messages for their congregations, to mobilize churchgoers into petitioning their elected representatives to stand for life.

As Live Action News has previously reported, Ted Cruz has been a fierce critic of Planned Parenthood, pledging to open a criminal investigation into the abortion giant if elected president, and declaring that congressional Republicans must be willing to risk a government shutdown over defunding the group. His voting record in the U.S. Senate has received 100 percent ratings from National Right to Life Committee and 0 percent ratings from Planned Parenthood Action Fund and NARAL Pro-Choice America.

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