16-year-old Indiana high school student Aaron Trejo has been arrested after he admitted to killing 17-year-old Breana Rouhselang and their preborn baby by stabbing her in the heart after learning she hid her pregnancy from him until she was six months pregnant. Her body was found over the weekend in a trash bin behind a restaurant in Mishawaka, Indiana, a town about 80 miles east of Chicago.
Detective Gery Mullins said, “[Trejo] explained that Breana waited too long to tell [him] about the pregnancy to get an abortion. I asked Aaron what he did about that, and he replied, ‘I took action… I took her life.'” Despite this confession, Trejo has entered a plea of not guilty.
Trejo told investigators that he brought a knife and garbage bag from home and that he “had been planning and thinking about killing Breana and the baby for about a week.” After disposing of her body, he threw her phone and the knife into the river.
Rouhselang was last seen on Saturday night, December 8, 2018, at about 11 p.m. When she hadn’t returned home by 4:30 a.m., her family called the police.
An autopsy has confirmed that Rouhselang died from multiple stab wounds and noted that her scarf had been tied so tightly around her neck that strangulation was occurring before she died. It also confirmed that Rouhselang was pregnant. Her stepmother Nicole Rouhselang told reporters that her stepdaughter was about six months (20-24 weeks) pregnant.
Trejo is being charged with homicide and feticide (also a felony in Indiana) and will be tried as an adult.
READ: College student charged with attempted murder after poisoning pregnant girlfriend with bleach
Despite the claims made that Rouhselang was too far along in pregnancy for an abortion, abortion is legal in Indiana during all nine months of pregnancy with restrictions. After the first trimester, abortions must be performed in a hospital or licensed surgical center before viability or 20 weeks gestation. After “viability,” which is the ability to survive outside the womb (as early as 21 weeks gestation), abortion is still legal in order to protect the health of the mother, including mental health. (However, abortion is never truly necessary to protect the health of the mother — see the video below) In addition, there are other states where late-term abortion business is booming, like Colorado, New Mexico, and Maryland. In other words — yes, even at six months of pregnancy and later, abortion is still legal in America.
Reports indicate that murder is a leading cause of death among pregnant women, second only to car accidents. More than 3,500 women and girls in the United States were murdered in 2015 and more than half of them were killed by their intimate partners or former partners. 15 percent of those women were pregnant at the time of their death. In all, 20 percent of women who die during pregnancy are victims of homicide.
In 2017, 31-year-old pregnant Maryland teacher Laura Wallen was killed by her boyfriend. A few days after she went missing, another pregnant Maryland woman was doused in gasoline and set on fire by her boyfriend. She survived. In 2018, pregnant 22-year-old Anna Angok was strangled to death by her boyfriend. And former Carolina Panthers wide receiver Rae Carruth was sentenced to 17 years in prison for hiring two men to kill his pregnant girlfriend who was shot multiple times and died a month later. Her son was born prematurely and has cerebral palsy as a result of the ordeal.
Abortion only compounds women’s victimization at the hands of predatory, violent men.