The Temecula City Council in California on Tuesday rejected a proposed resolution from Council Member Jessica Alexander to make the city a sanctuary for preborn babies, protecting them from abortion within the Temecula city limits. The council voted 4-1 following a debate that began with Alexander’s remarks which featured Live Action’s Baby Olivia video.
In front of a loud crowd that often laughed at her or booed her comments, Alexander noted that Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed 13 pro-abortion mandates that same day. “It is our duty as city council members to uphold the oath we took to the Constitution and protect the rights of our citizens seen and unseen. I am asking this body today to create a resolution that affirms Temecula stands for life from conception to natural death.”
She added, “Contrary to the misinformation that has been created, I am not here to make a law. I am here asking for a resolution to be made to let everyone know where we stand. As we know, the basic definition of a resolution is to state what we stand firm on. It is our duty as city council members to set the standard for what our city stands for.”
Quoting former president Ronald Reagan, she said, “‘Protecting the rights of even the least individual among us is basically the only excuse the government has for existing.'”
Alexander told the largely unreceptive audience that the city of Temecula is “in jeopardy” from Newsom’s pro-abortion agenda for the state. She cited testimony from women and men about how abortions had caused them trauma — including psychological, emotional, and physical harm — noting that that amount of suffering would spread through the community and invite more harm.
“As we have heard from expert testimony at our last city council meeting, human slavery, which we know as sex trafficking, is and will be on the rise in our state, and more importantly Temecula,” she said. “Studies have shown that easy access to abortions increases human slavery which contributes to crime, which has the capability of destroying our city.”
One person in the crowd yelled for Alexander to share her sources, but a simple internet search reveals the research to support her claims.
A study from Laura J. Lederer and Christoper A. Wetzel looked at 66 victims of sex trafficking and learned that 55% of them had at least one abortion while being trafficked and more than 30% had undergone multiple abortions during that time. The Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking and Their Implications for Identifying Victims in Healthcare Facilities researchers found that 25% of underage trafficked girls were taken to Planned Parenthood and other abortion-friendly locations for abortions and birth control, yet many were never asked if they were being coerced into sex or an abortion. Planned Parenthood is a mandated reporter of suspected child abuse and is required by law to report anytime an underage girl comes to access its “services.”
Additional investigations have revealed that some abortionists, including Planned Parenthood, ignore any evidence that shows a patient is a victim of sexual abuse. Planned Parenthood intentionally falsified the medical records of a 15-year-old girl because the counselor did not want the “hassle” of reporting the assault.
In more than 60 criminal cases, sexual predators used abortion to cover up the rape of underage girls. Alexander’s argument simply states that welcoming abortion into Temecula will welcome these types of sexual predators as well.
Alexander also noted that science proves life begins at fertilization and that every preborn child in Temecula is a neighbor, noting that Governor Newsom’s latest pro-abortion billboards urge people to love their neighbors as themselves — implying that providing the means to kill preborn children is a loving act.

Screenshot: Temecula City Council
“[A]s a city council member we are called to protect the public,” she said through multiple loud interruptions of audience members attempting to silence her. “What greater love can we show than to fight for the sanctity of life of the most helpless and innocent, which are our unborn neighbors. By creating this resolution, we are taking a stand for life… and holding it up sacred. This upholds the foundation for what Temecula has stood for and has been built upon, which is our residents and their safety. The government is forcing Temecula to be complicit with this genocide. Let this world know that Temecula stands for life at conception. This is a child’s basic right to life. If we as a city do not disagree or stand against these statutes, blood will be on our hands. We need to set ourselves apart and stand against bills such as AB 1666 and AB 2223. These types of bills will not only destroy our city, but they will destroy humanity.”
California’s AB 1666 prohibits state law enforcement from cooperating with investigations by other states into illegal abortion activity if the abortion would have been legal in California. AB 2223 eliminates the requirement for a coroner to investigate any deaths related to illegal abortions and bars the coroner from making statements about a fetal death that could be used to prosecute the mother. The bill also prohibits prosecution for anyone who commits or aids an abortion.
The pro-life resolution will not be brought up again in the city council due to the lack of support from council members and the California Attorney General’s office’s claim it would have violated state law if it had gone to a vote and been passed. The AG sent a letter to the city telling Temecula that it would consider legal against the city if the resolution moved forward.
Regardless, Alexander stood up for the lives of preborn children and the women and men who suffer from abortion regret, even when she was standing alone on the council.