Jane’s Revenge, a pro-abortion domestic terror group, claims it has attacked pregnancy centers in California and Vermont over the weekend. Their threatening rhetoric of hate is ramping up and is now threatening to target pro-lifers at their homes while referring to vandalism as “absolutely titillating.” One message suggested supporters should “[l]earn the skill of accelerant bartending” and added, “Next time we’ll bring it Wisconsin-style” — a reference to the arson committed at the Wisconsin Family Action offices.
Jane’s Revenge says it plans to make pro-lifers’ lives “a living hell”
The Abolition Media Blog, which has been the catalyst for publishing information by Jane’s Revenge, posted this communique (as did the Anarchist News) on June 27, which the blog claimed to have received by e-mail:
The night of June 24 was the Night of Rage. We decided to attack a crisis pregnancy center in Glendale, California with spray paint. The phrases written were ‘Jane was here’, ‘abort the court,’ and ‘If abortions aren’t safe neither are you’. All across the country people protested and revolted against this attack on bodily autonomy.

Janes Revenge takes credit for vandalizing California prolife pregnancy center
As we predicted almost a month ago, the United States Supreme Court stripped millions of people of bodily autonomy and access to abortion. This is only the beginning of the attacks on autonomy in store from the courts and fascists. Up next on the chopping block is access to contraception, the legality of everyday queer life, and gay marriage. But this is part of a broader pattern of fascism within the United States.
The memo then threatens to attack pro-lifers in their cars, homes and where they live (emphasis added):
To all the conservatives, Fox News anchors, judges, cops, Christian extremists, or federal agents reading this:
This attack is nothing in comparison to what is in store for you. Some spray paint will be the least of your worries. For decades you have bombed abortion clinics and murdered doctors. We fight not just for abortion rights, but for trans liberation, ecological harmony, decolonization, the destruction of white supremacy and capitalism, and the uprooting of the entire global civilization.
We will hunt you down and make your lives a living hell. You started this war but we will win it. So far its just been pregnancy crisis centers, but tomorrow it might be your cars, your homes, or even your lives. We support a diversity of tactics and we will not step down in this fight.
It is signed, “Expect us, Jane’s Revenge.”
Although the memo doesn’t name the PRC attacked, the Tree of Life pregnancy center in Paso Robles, California, was vandalized over the weekend. Police told KSBY.com that they believe the vandalism may have happened in light of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade sometimes between Friday night and Saturday morning. According to Paso Robles police, Tree of Life received a letter from Jane’s Revenge.
Jane’s Revenge also took responsibility for smashing windows of a pregnancy center in Lynchburg, Virginia. A communique published at Abolition Media blog June 27 stated, “On June 24th, the night after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Jane’s Revenge smashed the windows of the Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center’s headquarters in so-called Lynchburg Virginia.” The center published images of the crime to their Instagram and Facebook pages showing that the vandals had broken windows and left a graffiti message typical of Jane’s Revenge which read, “If Abortion Aint Safe You Aint Safe!” It was signed Jane’s Revenge with an anarchist ‘A’ symbol. The pro-life organization’s sign was also tagged with the anarchist ‘A.’

Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center vandalized with Janes Revenge threat
The communique continued:
Lynchburg is a hotbed of Christian fascism, home to the Neo-Nazi Wolves of Vinland group and Jerry Falwell’s ‘Liberty’ university. We smashed out their windows, and vandalized their building with slogans and imagery ranging from coat hangers to ‘vote blue lol.’
The ground in front of their now smashed front door reads ‘if abortion ain’t safe you ain’t safe.’ We encourage anyone to gather their friends, pick up a crowbar or a bottle of spray paint, find your nearest misogyny shop, courthouse, or pig pen and go f*cking ape sh*t. We have learned that this is really quite simple, all you need is a few trusted friends and a little bit of passion!
Fascism is on the rise but so are we! May the sound of shattering glass (seriously it is so satisfying :)) dry your tears. -Jane’s Revenge #187
The center vandalism was already public so there is no way to know if this is a genuine claim.
Jane’s Revenge claims “Peaceful protest is dead”
Again, Abolition Media Blog published another communique on June 27. This one reads (edited for profanity):
Following the Supremacist Court’s laughable attempt at control over millions of bodies with the arbitrary and retroactive overturning of its own decision on Roe v. Wade, in addition to further threats against the queer community made by a certain Supreme Pig, a few of us up here in so-called ‘Burlington, Vermont’ (colonized Abenaki land) decided it was a good time to remind the tyrants that we are everywhere and that we will not be f*cked with.
The group then falsely attacks pro-life pregnancy centers which offer free services to women in need, writing, “It came to our attention months ago that there’s an anti-abortion clinic here in town masquerading as a safe place for pregnant folks to receive care and resources. Their tactic is to lure in vulnerable people with emotionally manipulative messaging about ‘non-judgmental support’ before pulling the ol’ bait and switch and doing everything they can to guilt people into carrying their unplanned pregnancies to term.”
The communique then takes credit for vandalizing a pro-life pregnancy center:
The impact of concrete chunks on those old colonial window frames was absolutely titillating… We struck once, disappearing into the dark before re-emerging from another direction and striking again. A veritable volley of crashing and shattering sounds filled the neighborhood and our gay hearts to their brims. The tired, self-congratulatory, hippie liberalism in this city is a large part of what allows organizations like this to remain in our community and to do harm to vulnerable people. We say: f*ck that. No more.
The image below was published but the name of the facility was not revealed.

Jane’s Revenge Vermont takes credit for vandalizing prolife pregnancy center
The memo ends:
It’s time to put up a real fight. Gather your friends and collect heavy rocks. Learn the skill of accelerant bartending. Decentralize your actions– go into the night and be feral with joy! This is the fight of our lives and it’s just getting started. This time it was concrete slabs. Next time we’ll bring it Wisconsin-style.
The message ends by claiming that, “Jane’s Revenge lives!”
Additional messages by Jane’s Revenge were published in recent days, as Live Action News details below.
Past Jane’s Revenge communiques: ‘Paint…burn… cut”
Posted to the Jane’s Revenge blog the morning of June 25, one of the terrorist group’s communiques read, “Everyone with the urge to paint, to burn, to cut, to jam: now is the time. Go forth and manifest the things you wish to see. Stay safe, and practice your cursive….” It appears to be a shortened version of a previous message.
A tweet which included the blog link told Jane’s Revenge supporters to “[f]ind each other and stay dangerous.” A separate tweet suggests protesting on July 4. “I am absolutely disgusted, and we as citizens should be angry. This affects more than just abortions, and it’s NEVER been about the babies,” it reads. “Make July 4th a day of protest not celebration for a pathetic nation. Be loud and fight. #JanesRevenge.”
In May, an alleged Jane’s Revenge cell in Oregon published an open letter to supporters claiming that the domestic terrorist group is “not just a group” but also an “idea” which plans to “only escalate.” The Little Larck Memorial Cell open letter, sent to Live Action News by a source choosing to remain anonymous, was allegedly published by a student magazine at the University of Oregon.
The Oregon cell communique alleged it was “forwarded from an anonymous source” to the student group. It is addressed to the “readers of the Student Insurgent and defenders of reproductive rights everywhere.” The message, written prior to the decision in the Dobbs case, referred to Supreme Court Justices as “black-robed ghouls” and claimed women’s rights have been “sacrificed on the altar of ‘the unborn.'” See below:

Jane’s Revenge Oregon cell message from Student Insurgent
“Even though we here in Oregon have codified abortion access, this is not forever,” the message reads. “Not everyone lives in states that recognize this right and there are local elements that will attempt to deny us from exercising our autonomy regardless. We cannot beg for our rights, nor can we beg for ineffectual leaders to save us. Even in a historically revolutionary city like Eugene, the forced-birthers attempt to sink their claws in, with so-called ‘pregnancy crises centers'” which the memo claims “must be opposed in any way possible.”
The message then falsely claimed that pro-life pregnancy resource centers “lie to vulnerable women in need of care.” These centers actually offer free services to hundreds of thousands of women every year — and each time a facility is attacked, firebombed or otherwise put out of commission, women, families, and children in need of compassionate and loving care are the real ones hurt.
The message went on to read, “Jane’s Revenge is not just a group (though we do have cells all over the country) but also an idea… If you are a defender of reproductive rights for all, you are part of Jane’s Revenge. We must do what politicians cannot, and defend ourselves and our autonomy with everything that we have. We have already performed direct action against the forced-birther movement. And as long as the shadow of white supremacist theocracy looms over America, we will only escalate. That is not a threat. It is a promise.”
“And to those who wish to force births and subservience, to those who want to perpetuate coercion, abuse, and suffering we only have this to say: If abortions aren’t safe, then neither are you,” the message stated before being signed, “For autonomy, for self-determination, for joy, Jane’s Revenge Little Lark Memorial Cell.”
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