In a new video released by Live Action, former abortionist Kathi Aultman describes a second-trimester D&E abortion. In this abortion method, the baby is pulled apart with forceps and extracted piece by piece, and then her skull is crushed and her head removed.
‘Partial-birth’ or D&X abortions, committed by pulling the baby partly out of the womb before killing him or her, were banned in several states and then, eventually, nationwide. Abortionists sued to block the laws in New York, California, Wisconsin, and Nebraska and the trials took place in 2004. There is, however, some question about whether abortion businesses are still using the illegal method to better obtain the intact body parts of aborted children. In addition, one of the babies obtained from the medical waste of the Washington Surgi-Clinic abortion facility in D.C. appears to have potentially been the victim of a ‘partial-birth’ abortion, according to experts who examined the photographic and video evidence.
Under oath, abortionists have testified about how they committed D&Es and ‘partial-birth’ abortions.
In Nebraska, late-term abortionist Leroy Carhart described how he committed a D&E. If he could bring out the baby intact, he would do a ‘partial-birth’ abortion. Other times, he dismembered the child and then removed the body parts:
[I] would use a forcep… remove the part of [the] fetus that was easily reachable. Hopefully try to use small bites to work the way up and remove the rest of the fetus so that it comes out intact. If not, then remove whatever part that I could get easily and then go back and remove the rest…
[W]hen an upper extremity comes through the vagina, and I have to remove it, at that point — the shoulder, the shoulder joint actually tends to be more substantial than other joints in the body.
So mostly if I can grab above the elbow, I will get part of the scapula, and sometimes even part of the chest wall from that extremity; ribs, and possibly even lung tissue or other tissue inside of the chest cavity….
Then he talks about removing the head:
I can often get up to the base of the skull then go back and remove the skull. I can often get both lower extremities and divide somewhere at the upper part of the spinal cord, removing abdominal organs and some even thoracic organs on the very first removal.
READ: Abortionists agree: D&E abortions are ‘destructive and violent’
Abortionist William Fitzhugh was asked if he dismembered the baby while committing a D&E. He answered, “It happens in the majority of cases… but it sure would be nice if it happened more often.”
Fitzhugh was complaining about how the baby sometimes came out whole when the cervix was too far dilated and he pulled on the child. He found this troublesome.
Describing what abortionists do, Fitzhugh said, “[W]e break up parts in the uterus and we crush skulls.”
Abortionist Jill Vibhakar described tearing apart a baby in a D&E:
[T]he upper extremity is removed included [sic] the shoulder area, and … sometimes when we are doing the D&E, some of the first things that are removed are maybe a portion of skin from the trunk or even ribs or other trunk contents.
William Knorr was asked if the child was alive when he did the D&E procedure, or if he gave an injection to kill the baby beforehand. He said that he dismembered the babies while they were still living. The lawyer asked him why he didn’t kill the baby beforehand, and he said, “I just don’t believe in it. I think that it’s an extra procedure and, you know, we first have to remember, don’t do any harm.”
In his view, “doing no harm” means dismembering a child alive.
In New York, abortionist Timothy Johnson said:
When one does a D&E, technically one of the challenges is to remove the fetal skull, partly because it is relatively large, partly because it is relatively calcified, and it is difficult to grasp on occasion. So, one of the common technical challenges of a dismemberment D&E is what is called a free-floating head or a head that has become disattached and needs to be removed.
He complained, “[T]echnically it is difficult to grasp the head; it is round, it slips out of the instruments that we generally use. Either those instruments or the head can be extruded outside the uterus and cause perforation.”
Abortionist Carolyn Westhoff said:
In the dismemberment D&E the fetal head will be up inside the uterus. It is necessary to insert our forceps, open them as wide as possible to try to capture the head within the opening of the forceps and then crush the head using external force applied against the head.
Part of the testimony of abortionist Gerson Weiss went as follows:
WEISS: You can, before 18 weeks, sometimes grab the head with one instrument, with a grasping instrument in one hand and use a grasping instrument in the other hand to grab the rest of the head. Usually with a twist you can deflate the head enough to bring it through. So, it’s a crush —
COURT: Do you crush the head?
WIESS: Yes, it could be a crushing…
Abortionist Stephen T. Chasen explained that “The fetal head is extracted by placing the forceps around it and crushing it.”
He was asked if this causes the baby pain:
COURT: Does it hurt the baby?
CHASEN: I don’t know.
COURT: But you go ahead and do it anyway, is that right?
CHASEN: I am taking care of my patients, and in that process, yes, I go ahead and do it.
In California, abortionist Maureen Paul described starting a D&E, saying, “[U]sing the forceps, I begin the procedure of extracting the fetal parts.”
The lawyer asked her if the baby was alive when Paul extracted the parts (i.e. tore them off and pulled them out). She said yes. He asked her how she knew, and she explained that she committed her abortions under ultrasound guidance, and could see the heart beating on the monitor as she dismembered the child.
The lawyer asked, “Do you pay attention to that while you are doing the abortion?”
She responded, “Not particularly. I just notice sometimes.”
Dr. Mitchell Creinin was describing a D&E when he said, “[The baby] will break apart…It may be in the middle of the leg, it may be at the abdomen, it may be at the chest, just depending on the dilation and the size of the fetus, et cetera, just on that individual case.”
All of these abortionists admitted under oath that they dismember babies and crush their skulls.
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